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Keep re-using Fixits

We all know FixIts is endlessly reusable.

All the leftover Fixits bits can be kept and saved for next time, but why not re-use the fixes you no longer need!

With Christmas followed by Valentine's Day followed by Mother's Day and now Easter, we seemed to have had a run on Fixits cake decorations.

We used our Valentine's heart to make a Mother's Day flower and then an Easter egg.

What could come next?

How to make a fun pushpin

Bring a bit of Fixits festive fun to your bunting this holiday or brighten up your pinboard.

Watch our reel to show you how to make a pushpin(CLICK)📌

...then add ears 🐇 and a nose 🐰....maybe some eyes 👀

Why not make a whole collection

You inspire us endlessly, you really do. FixIts has endless uses, and is endlessly reusable, but still, you folks just win us over every time you find a new fix for your FixIts sticks. 

Check out these Fab Feb Fixes from fellow FixIts fans around the world. Time saved, money saved, waste saved. Tick, tick, tick.

A very useful email involving chopsticks and FixIts!

This Brew Monday we're getting in our tea fix with friends.
