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FixIts is here for all last-minute holiday edits. Save time, save money, save the holiday argy-bargy.

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Love to lather

Suncream is way too expensive, so if your lid goes missing or breaks on the beach, just FixIts a new one. Then lather the suncream on, knowing you're protecting yourself and your bank account.

Ideas in spades

Broken bucket? Fix it with FixIts. (And help reduce the demand for unnecessary plastic.) May the crabbing continue!

Take a stand

Baggage handling can be quite rough, so if your suitcase stand breaks while you're away, it's easy to mould a new one to fix it. Plus, it feels good fixing things like that.

It's a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Time to get ready. We love it. It almost feels like a Mini New Year. It's exciting. We've got some helpful hacks for all you College Goers and Back To Schoolers. Save yourself a bit of time and money by fixing your old stuff, rather than buying new. Enjoy all the moments.
Summer holidays coming to an end too soon? Don't worry... we've got good news! You can extend the fun and make the holiday vibes last longer. Plan an extra picnic. Take the paddleboard out one last time. Wear your flip flops round the house. However you do it, remember FixIts can help make things last longer.
FixIts is here for all last-minute holiday edits. Save time, save money, save the holiday argy-bargy. Send us a postcard!
